
Just in time with the arrival of our first cryostat on May 7, we had the pleasure to welcome FAU's president Prof. Joachim Hornegger to a tour through our rapidly advancing lab environment. Great spirit, great questions, great discussions, great support!

Category: Allgemein, News

A warm welcome to Hannaneh Sadat Zarrabi and Dr. Prakiran Baidya who have joined our team on Nov. 1. Hannaneh just completed an internship in the group of Prof. Mikko Möttönen at Aalto University. Prakiran had previously explored superconductivity in low-dimensional systems in the group of Prof. Ave...

Category: Allgemein, News

We are delighted and grateful to have received approval from the German research foundation (DFG) for the co-funding of two complementary cryogenic quantum control setups. Looking forward to filling the void in our nice lab space at FAU with equipment.

Category: Allgemein, News

Some impressions from our Team Event May 2023, which everyone greatly enjoyed. Our workshop sparked new ideas and helped to sharpen our plans for the future. Big thanks to the group of Stefan Filipp at Walther-Meißner-Insitute in Garching for hosting us, for providing an exciting lab visit to our...

Category: Allgemein, News

New team member Thomas Fösel has started and the DFG will co-fund our e-beam evaporation system. Nice prospects for designing and building superconducting quantum devices.

Category: Allgemein, News

On December 15 we participated in an exciting event hosted by the Zukunftsmuseum in Nürnberg about Quantum Computing. Jan Götz (CEO of IQM) and Christopher Eichler explain the state-of-the-art and the perspectives of Quantum Computing to a general audience. During the panel discussion moderate...

Category: Allgemein, News

Ultimately, Quantum computers need to perform gate and readout operations without errors. Therefore we need to identify ways to detect and correct errors, which can be caused by imperfect control and environmental noise. For this purpose, quantum error correction codes distributes quantum informatio...

Category: Allgemein, Projects

In the framework of the Academic graduation ceremony for the academic years 2020/2021, Prof. Dr. Norbert Lindlein received one of the traditional "Awards for Good Teaching" for his excellently evaluated course “Experimentalphysik für Naturwissenschaftler”.

Category: Allgemein, News